Our approach to the concept of sustainability
What does the word 'sustainability' mean for Esprinet? For the Group, this term represents the company's desire to create sustainability over time.
To achieve its goal, Esprinet believes it is essential to balance the interests of shareholders with those of other "stakeholders" such as customers, suppliers, employees, bodies, and associations in the area of reference.
Every decision taken by the Group is reflected in the ESG (Enviroment, Social and Corporate Governance) culture, in which social and environmental aspects play a major role: Esprinet's mission is to create value for the communities and territories in which the company operates.

Esprinet and the Environment
A sustainable company has a duty to carry out operations that are oriented towards environmental sustainability. We strive to reduce and prevent direct and indirect impacts on the environment resulting from our operations.
Esprinet and social sustainability
We build in-depth relationships with territories by supporting Social Policies aimed at creating better conditions for the development of Environmental, Human Capital and Governance strategies.

Sustainability Report
The Sustainability Report is the document, published by the Esprinet Group on an annual basis, that gathers together the main sustainability performances. This document also constitutes the Group's Consolidated Non-Financial Statement (DNF).
The pillars of a sustainable strategy
Sustainability policies implemented by the Esprinet Group start by listening to its stakeholders. This is an essential and undoubtedly the most important step in defining an effective strategy capable of bringing value to all.
The second step concerns the definition of a set of objectives for each of the macro-areas relating to the environment, social, and governance. Finally, we move on to the concrete implementation of the plans. In this phase, results will be measured periodically, deviations from the set targets will be checked and, if necessary, action plans will be revised and implemented.
Aggressive levels of variable remuneration are linked to each target in such a way as to align the short-term and long-term objectives of management with those of the Group's key stakeholders, thus creating a virtuous circle. We are convinced that only a proper balancing of everyone's demands can guarantee the creation of sustainable value.
Together is Better
The Group continued its 'TIB - TOGETHER IS BETTER: together we improve!' project in 2022. The aim of the initiative is to highlight the importance of cooperation and sharing with a view to making the most of everyone's individual efforts. The big listening sessions and surveys are only some of the important actions that are part of the project and that allow us to identify the steps we need to take to improve more and more.
Our initiatives for Sustainability
Corporate Social Responsibility is a relevant component for the Group; this is why we devote ourselves concretely to different initiatives, by involving associations, employees, customers, and suppliers.