Coverage e Consensus
Below is the list of analysts who follow Esprinet, along with a summary of their recommendations and general consensus.
Note that the following list may not be complete and is subject to change. Please also note that all opinions, estimates or forecasts relating to Esprinet's results made by analysts are their own personal opinions and do not represent those made by Esprinet or Esprinet's management. The fact that Esprinet provides such information does not imply any endorsement of the research, conclusions and recommendations provided by these analysts.
Broker | Analyst | Target Price (€) | Recommendation | Date |
Intesa Sanpaolo | Gabriele Berti [email protected] +39 02 8794 9821 | 6.6 | BUY | 13/09/2024 |
Kepler Cheuvreux | Niccolò Storer [email protected] +39 02 85507209 | 7.0 | BUY | 13/03/2025 |
Intermonte | Pietro Nargi [email protected] +39 02 77115470 Andrea Randone [email protected] +39 02 77115364 | 6.8 | BUY | 13/09/2024 |
TP ICAP | Mathias Paladino [email protected] +33 1 49 24 18 01 | 6.2 | BUY | 14/05/2024 |
The consensus provided below is based on the average of all analyst estimates published after 12 March 2025 and was updated on 13 March 2025.
2025E’ with IFRS 16 | 2026E’ with IFRS 16 | |
Revenues (€m) | 4,311 | 4,439 |
EBITDA adj. recurring (€m) | 75.1 | 80.9 |
EPS adj. recurring (€) | 0.58 | 0.66 |