Organisational Model And Supervisory Board
The Legislative Decree 8 June 2001 n. 231 introduced a discipline of the administrative liability of companies for crimes (among others, corporate crimes and crimes against the public administration such as corruption and extortion) committed by directors, managers or employees in the interest or to the advantage of the company itself. In introducing the aforementioned administrative liability regime, however, Legislative Decree 231/2001 provides for a specific form of exemption from liability if the company demonstrates that it has adopted and effectively implemented organization, management and control models suitable for preventing crimes of especially the one that occurred.
The values of transparency, correctness and loyalty which inspire the Esprinet Group are the basis for the adoption by the Company of an organization, management and control model (so-called Organizational Model 231) functional to the prevention of the risk of committing significant crimes for the purposes of the aforementioned Legislative Decree 231/2001.
The Organizational, Management and Control Model was updated on 18 December 2024 to replace the previous one adopted on 3 July 2023.
The current Supervisory Body is composed of:
- Antonio Cattaneo, Chairman, indipendent Member
- Giuseppe Monina, Internal Audit Manager Esprinet S.p.A.
- Angela Azzolina, Corporate Affairs Manager Esprinet S.p.A.