Engagement Policy
ESPRINET promotes and values Dialogue with its Shareholders and strives to ensure that it is continuous, open and transparent, in order to ensure the sustainable creation of shared value in the long term.
Dialogue with the Shareholders is an opportunity to share the actions and the strategic vision at the basis of the management of the Company with its investors, but it also represents a unique opportunity for defining the activities capable of guaranteeing high standards of governance that the Board of Directors intends to pursue. The role of the administrative body on which the ESPRINET Group's corporate governance system is based is crucial in defining transparent management choices, in the efficient implementation of the Internal Control and Risk Management System and in the adoption of a strict governance of potential conflicts of interest.
To this end, ESPRINET, in accordance with the recommendations of the Corporate Governance Code to which the company adheres and inspired by the best practices on the matter, at its meeting of 31 January 2022, adopted this "Engagement Policy".